• Le pied diabétique : place de la chirurgie orthopédique
    Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 2011; 97(3): 302-319.

    Besse JL, Leemrijse ThDeleu P-A

  • Posterior arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis : ten cases at one-year follow-up
    Orthopaedics & Traumatology : Surgery & Research, 2011; 7(4):401-405

    Albert A, Deleu P-ALeemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B

  • Revision of Total Ankle Replacements
    Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, 2011; 10(4):176-188

    Besse JL, Devos Bevernage BLeemrijse Th













  • Chirurgie conventionnelle versus chirurgie percutanée
    Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2007;93(6 Suppl):181-2

    Leemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B




  • Chirurgie du pied : innovations et banque de tissu
    Maîtrise Orthopédique 2006;154:1-16

    Leemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B




  • The Dorsal Bunion: an overview
    Foot and Ankle Surgery 2005 ;11;65-68

    Albert A, Leemrijse Th






  • Chirurgie de l’avant pied. Indications et considérations actuelles.
    Louvain médical 2003;122(9):346-51

    Leemrijse Th

  • Proposition d’une nouvelle ostéotomie métatarsienne médiane : l’ostéotomie cervicale de raccourcissement axial (OCRA)
    Med chir pied, Juin 2003;19(2):52-58.

    Benichou M, Augoyard M, Leemrijse Th, Maestro M, Peyrot J, Ragusa M, Valtin B.




  • Douleur talo-crurale et fracture de contrainte du tibia. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature.
    Med Chir Pied 2002; 2:78-82

    Lequeux C, Leemrijse Th, Reiter A, Long Pretz P

  • Unusual haemorrhage complication after carotid endarterectomy
    Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 ; 10 (6) : 538-9

    Scavee V, Dutranoy JC, Devos Bevernage B, Schoevaerdts JC.




  • Quand faire appel à un chirurgien devant un pied rhumatoïde?
    Synoviale, journal de rhumatologie 2001;102:7-18

    Valtin B, Leemrijse Th




  • Les raideurs du pied et de la cheville : physiopathologie et prise en charge chirurgicale
    Kinésithérapie scientifique 2000;405:9-11

    Leemrijse Th




  • Cal vicieux rotatoire du tibia et trouble statique du pied. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
    Med Chir Pied 1998 ; 3:138-141

    Lequeux C, Leemrijse Th




  • De la tumeur à cellules géantes à la synovite villonodulaire : à propos de quatre cas au niveau du pied
    Med Chir Pied 1996;2:72-80.

    Leemrijse Th, Valtin B, Grossin M

  • Traitement chirurgical du pied plat essentiel de l’enfant par implant sous-astragalien
    Med Chir Pied 1996 ; 3 : 147-151

    Leemrijse Th, Detournay M, Long Pretz P, Van Innis F






  • Alterations in endocardial vascular resistance after reperfusion in low-flow, high-demand model of ischemia : effects of Dipyrid
    J Am Coll Cardiol 1990 ;16:1750-9.

    Schroeder E, Pouleur H, Maldague P, Vuylsteke A, Van Mechelen H, Keyeux A, Raigoso J, Charlier A.




  • Alles
  • Book Chapters
  • Books
  • Lectures
  • Publications

Fifth metatarsal scarf osteotomy without implant fixation

Post-sprain versus post-fracture post-traumatic ankle osteoarthritis: Impact on foot and ankle kinematics and kinetics

Quasi-stiffness of intrinsic foot joints during the mid-stance of gait in a healthy population

Impact of foot modeling on the quantification of the effect of total ankle replacement: A pilot study

Clinical assessment of 115 cases of hindfoot fusion with two different types of graft: Allograft+DBM+bone marrow aspirate versus autograft+DBM

Long-Term Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Human Gait: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Surgical treatment of iatrogenic hallux varus

Soft tissue recurrence of an osteoid osteoma: an exceptional observation

Change in gait biomechanics after total ankle replacement and ankle arthrodesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The effect of ankle and hindfoot malalignment on foot mechanics in patients suffering from post-traumatic ankle osteoarthritis

Intrinsic foot joints adapt a stabilized-resistive configuration during the stance phase

Video technique: hallux varus reconstruction with reverse transfer of the abductor hallucis tendon

My worst case presentation

Live surgery: triple arthrodesis with in addition the innominate line for complete navicular bone destruction

Foot and Ankle Arthritis case based series: Ankle, subtalar, TTC arthritis, TN, CC

Live surgery: osteochondral lesion, treated arthroscopically

Chronic rupture of the plantar plate of 1st MTPJ

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Tourné Y, Mabit C, eds. La cheville instable : De l’entorse récente à l’instabilité chronique, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Tourné Y, Mabit C. La cheville instable : De l’entorse récente à l’instabilité chronique, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Leemrijse T, Besse J-L, Devos Bevernage B, Valtin B, 2nd ed. Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville, Paris, Elsevier Masson ; 2015

Monographie AFCP N°7 : Journée de Spécialités – SOFCOT 2011. Place de l’arthroscopie dans la chirurgie de l’arrière-pied.

Morvan G, Bianchi S, Bouysset M, Demondion X, Fantino O, Leemrijse Th, Rougereau G. Le Pied, 2011, édition Sauramps Médical

Morvan G, Bianchi S, Bouysset M, Demondion X, Fantino O, Leemrijse Th, Rougereau G. Le Pied, 2011, édition Sauramps Médical

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Leemrijse Th, Valtin B. Pathologie du pied et de la cheville, Novembre 2009, édition Masson-Elsevier, ISBN 978-2-294-61208-4

Le pied et la cheville rhumatoïde.

Orthopédie Traumatologie, Le concours médical. Institut la conférence Hippocrate.

Forefoot reconstruction

Forefoot Reconstruction

Recent advances in upper extremity arthroplasty

Roukis TS et al. eds. Primary and revision total ankle replacement. Berlin, Springer Berlin Heidelberg ; 2016 in press

La prise en charge du pied diabétique dans les centres spécialisés

La chirurgie de l’avant-pied

Pathologie du pied et de la cheville

Le Pied

Pathologie du Pied et de la Cheville

Orthèses plantaires, possibilités thérapeutiques

Examen clinique de l’arrière-pied

Elément de base de baropodométrie

Hallux Valgus Deformity : Clinical examination

Hallux valgus deformity : radiological examination

Hallux valgus deformity : Surgical treatment

Anatomy of first MTP joint

Hallux valgus deformity : Baropodometric evaluation.

Impact of 90 minutes running exercise on plantar loading of the forefoot: a prospective study on symptom-free athletes

Séance de dossiers : avant-pied

Technique and early experience with posterior arthroscopic tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis

Lesser toe deformities : Arthrodesis/arthroplasty

Hallux Valgus : Clinical and radiological evaluation

Use of massive allografts in osteomyelitis in the distal part of the leg

Session pratique: décharge du pied diabétique

Syndrome d’attelage ; nouvelle cause d’orteil en griffe : étude cadavérique et relevance clinique

Tibialis anterior tendon disorders

Suivi à moyen terme de la prothèse de cheville AES : taux élevé d’ostéolyse asymptomatiques.

Prothèses totales de cheville

Plantar pressure measurements in relation to the diabetic foot

L’impact de l’hallux valgus sur la cinématique du pied.

Les prothèses du gros orteil : lesquelles choisir pour avoir moins de complications ?

Morphotypes radiologiques de l’avant-pied et baropodométrie, que déduire ?

Possibilités thérapeutiques : traitements conservateurs (Rééducation des dysfonctions musculaires & Orthèse et chaussage)

Les possibilités thérapeutiques : De quelles ostéotomies dispose-t-on ? Calcanéennes ?

Achille’s tendon rupture : Non operative management

Hallux rigidus, cheilectomy endoscopic fusion

Influence of cavus foot in forefoot surgery : hallux valgus, metatarsalgia, morton, claw toe

Traditional Surgery : Open decompression and neurectomy

Foot & Ankle arthroscopy in particular cases

Osteochondral lesions of the talar dome : Classification

The sprained ankle, too easy or too bad?

Diabetic Foot : role of MIS

Reconstruction massive de la cheville par allogreffe structurale de pilon tibial

XXL hallux valgus : which attitude ? MTP 1 Fusion

Greffe structurale congelée sécurisée au niveau du pied, notre expérience à propos de 56 pieds.

Notre expérience des DBM

Diabetic Foot : classification

Arthrodèse sous talienne par voie arthroscopique, à propos de 10 cas revu à plus d’un an.

Ethiopathogénie des géodes

Basic principles in surgery of forefoot deformities

Take home messages

Basic principles and indications of hallux valgus surgery

Modified Scarf Osteotomy

Clinical examination

Why does hallux valgus surgery fail ?

Distal soft tissue release

Utilisation de la DBM dans la chirurgie du pied

Ankle arthrodesis : technical tips

Ankle arthrodesis : results & complications

Principles of osteotomies, supramalleolar and calcaneal

Natural history of ankle osteoarthritis.

Ankle osteotomy : Results, complications, technical tips

Ankle osteoarthritis & its treatments : Impact on foot and ankle biomechanics

Ankle arthrodesis : my best surgical approach

Total Ankle Replacement : Results, complications, our experience in Brussels

Behandeling van degeneratieve enkelpathologie

‘MEET THE MIS BURRS’ : Sawbones & Instruments

Prothèse de cheville

Ostéotomie calcanéenne

Algorithme : traitement de l’hallux rigides

Triple arthrodèse

Delegate Cases : Talocalcaneal synostosis

Avascular necrosis after distal metatarsal osteotomy

Anterior surgical approaches of the talocrural and talonavicular joint

Hallux valgus : Anatomy and biomechanics

Hallux rigidus : Toe surgery

Hallux valgus : clinical evaluation and radiology

Ankle fractures : Mechanism and classification

Ankle fractures: Anatomy and biomechanics

Hallux rigidus : failures

Hallux valgus : soft tissue release

Hallux rigidus : MTP 1 arthrodesis

Hallux rigidus : clinical and radiological evaluation

Hallux valgus : failures

Hallux valgus : scarf osteotomy

Arthrodesis & Osteotomies of the hind foot: subtalar & triple arthrodesis

Ankle fractures : Treatment of syndesmotic lesion

Ankle fractures : Bi- and tri-malleolar fracture treatment

Total ankle replacement revision by arthrodesis

Ankle arthrodesis : my best surgical approach

Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments from a biomechanical perspective

Ankle arthrodesis: results and complications, our experience in Brussels

Hindfoot deformity

Triple arthrodesis: Results and complications, technical tips

Total ankle replacement : concept, indications and contra-indications

Difference between simple and complex prosthesis?

Total ankle replacement : technical tips

Les indications de l’enclouage transplantaire / Retrograde intramedullary nail (indications and technical aspects)

Entorse de l’articulation talo-crurale : choix technique

Comparison of foot segmental mobility and coupling during gait between patients with diabetes with and without neuropathy.

Arthrose de la cheville : arthrodése ou quelle prothèse?

La chirurgie percutanée certitudes et doutes

Function of the foot and ankle

Forefoot surgery : What would you advice ?

Hallux valgus technique: Scarf Osteotomy

Correction of lesser toe deformities

La pathologie du tendon calcanéen / Achilles tendon disorders

Les techniques de correction de l’hallux varus / Surgical procedure for hallux varus deformity

Orthèses plantaires, possibilités thérapeutiques.

Elément de base de baropodométrie.

Osseous radiology of the foot and ankle

Impact of 90 minutes running exercise on plantar loading of the forefoot: a prospective study on symptom-free athletes.

How to treat an Achilles tendon rupture in a 75 +- year old active patient?

Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis : Causes of revision / failure analysis

Infected calcaneal tendon surgery

Revision of osteochondral lesions : assessment & procedures

Use of auto-or allograft in revision surgeries

Causes of failure of osteotomies around the ankle

Triple Arthrodesis : Causes of revision / failure analysis

Total Ankle Replacement : Revision by arthrodesis: indications and results

Failure of ankle arthrodesis: Non-union

Malalignment in Total Ankle Replacement / TAR Revisions

Total Ankle Replacement : Revision by arthroscopy: indications and results

Failure of ankle arthrodesis : causes of revision / failure analysis

Failure of ankle arthrodesis: Malunion

Results of Hintegra prosthesis, our experience in Brussels

MTP 1 protheses 3 components: results – revisions

Ankle arthritis : treatments : TAR and fusion

Total Ankle Replacement : Discussion, Technical Tips, your problems

Ankle arthrodesis : My best surgical approach and my best fixation

Hindfoot deformity

Ankle arthrodesis : results and complications, our experience in Brussels

Total Ankle Replacement : Concept, Indications and contra-indications

Triple arthrodesis : results and complications, technical tips

Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments : impact on foot & ankle biomechanics

Degenerative Hindfoot & Ankle Pathology : Physiopathology and treatment algorithm

Lesser Ray Pathology : Correction of lesser toe deformities

Function of the foot and ankle

First ray pathology : Hallux valgus : What would you advise ?

Hindfoot : Double arthrodesis

Scarf evolution: one screw, no screws … plate

Ball and socket ankle: types and management

Tibio-talo-calcaneal arthrodesis using a curved intrameduallary nail in patients presenting severe preoperative risk factors

Principles of triple arthrodesis

Ankle fusion: results and complications

Hindfoot deformity, clinic and radiology

Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments: impact on foot and ankle biomechanics

Triple arthrodesis: Results and complications

Ankle arthrodesis, my best surgical approach

Total ankle replacement : technical tips

Total ankle replacement: Concept, Indications and contra-indications

Results of 50 Hintegra prosthesis, our experience in Brussels

Use of auto- or allograft in revision surgeries

Infected calcanea tendon surgery

Revision of osteochondral lesions

Tibio-talo-calcaneal arthrodesis for ankle and handoff revision

Failure of ankle arthrodesis : causes of revision, failure analysis

Failure of ankle arthrodesis : Malunion

Subtalar arthrodesis: causes of revision, failure analysis

Total ankle replacement : causes of revision, failure analysis

Ankle osteoarthritis & its treatments: Impact on foot & ankle biomechanics

Intermediate-term results of the ankle prosthesis Hintegra

Indication and evaluation before total ankle replacement

Total ankle replacement : revision by arthroscopy, indications & results

Total ankle replacement revised by total ankle replacement

Total ankle replacement revision by arthrodesis

Total ankle replacement: Desaxation after total ankle replacement

Osteochondral lesions : classification, algorithm of treatment

Degenerative handoff and ankle pathology : Prefaces and Technique: Subtalar arthrodesis and triple arthrodesis

First ray pathology : hallux valgus : What would you advise ?

Triple arthrodesis : Hindfoot deformity, Principles of triple arthrodesis

Total Ankle Replacement from 1973 to 2016

Ankle fusion, who I fuse by arthroscopy or by open surgery ?

Results of 50 Total Ankle Replacement, our experience in Brussels

Two versus three components, evolution or regression ?

My experience with the Cadence prosthesis, critical analysis

Final arthritis solutions : analysis and comparison

Hallux valgus : arthrodesis

Hallux rigidus : prosthesis


First ray pathology : Lateral release

Lesser Ray Pathology : Conservative Treatment

Lesser ray : Instability, subluxation, luxation MTP

Lesser ray : Algorithm of Metatarsalgiae

Ostéotomie Scarf

Arthrose de cheville : Possibilités thérapeutiques

Hallux rigidus

Examination and function of the Foot and Ankle

Indications and Technique : Subtalar arthrodesis and triple arthrodesis

Pain Of The 2nd MTP Joint: Differential Diagnosis, Stadification, Therapeutic Algorithm

Ankle joint osteoarthritis

Effects of Alinidine on metabolic response to high-demand myocardial ischemia

Alterations in endocardial vascular resistance after reperfusion in low-flow, high-demand model of ischemia : effects of Dipyrid

La reconstruction des pertes de substance osseuse au niveau de l’avant-bras par cubitalisation du radius (one bone forearm).

Traitement chirurgical du pied plat essentiel de l’enfant par implant sous-astragalien

Nouvelle ostéotomie métacarpienne : l’ostéotomie cervico-capitale d’accourcissement métacarpien dans la main rhumatismale

De la tumeur à cellules géantes à la synovite villonodulaire : à propos de quatre cas au niveau du pied

Myositis ossificans in an infant

Cal vicieux rotatoire du tibia et trouble statique du pied. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

Vascularization of the heads of the three central metatarsals : an anatomical study, its application and considerations with res

Les raideurs du pied et de la cheville : physiopathologie et prise en charge chirurgicale

Quand faire appel à un chirurgien devant un pied rhumatoïde?

Unusual haemorrhage complication after carotid endarterectomy

Douleur talo-crurale et fracture de contrainte du tibia. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature.

Proposition d’une nouvelle ostéotomie métatarsienne médiane : l’ostéotomie cervicale de raccourcissement axial (OCRA)

Chirurgie de l’avant pied. Indications et considérations actuelles.

Spontaneous rupture of the distal iliopsoas tendon: clinical and imaging findings, with anatomic correlations

The Dorsal Bunion: an overview

Are bone autografts still necessary in 2006? A three-year retrospective study of bone grafting

Congenital club foot : treatment in childhood, outcome and problems in adulthood

Clinical and radiographic features of operatively treated stiff clubfeet after skeletal maturity: etiology of the deformities an

Chirurgie du pied : innovations et banque de tissu

Fait clinique : Ostéo-arthrite tarsienne : une localisation rare de la tuberculose

Chirurgie conventionnelle versus chirurgie percutanée

Stress fracture of the navicular bone

Hallux valgus surgery in 2005. Conventional, mini-invasive or percutaneous surgery? Uni- or bilateral?

A new surgical procedure for iatrogenic hallux varus : reverse transfer of the abductor hallucis tendon: a report of 7 cases

Predictive value of radiographic measurements compared to clinical examination in the preoperative planning for a Weil osteotomy

Impact of 90 minutes running exercise on plantar loading of the forefoot : a prospective study on symptom free athletes.

Hallux varus : classification and treatment

The effects of total ankle replacement on gait disability: analysis of energetic and mechanical variables

Plantar pressure relief using a forefoot offloading shoe

The translating Weil osteotomy in the treatment of an overriding second toe: a report of 25 cases

Reliability of the Maestro radiological measuring tool

Tarsal tunnel syndrome secondary to a hypertrophy of flexor hallucis longus tendon: a case report

Assessment of the cortical thickness of the second metatarsal after isolated correction of the hallux valgus

Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the midfoot.

Medium term follow-up of the AES ankle prosthesis : high rate of asymptomatic osteolysis

Technique and early experience with posterior arthroscopic tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis

Total ankle replacement in France in 2007, Travaux des spécialités

Value of computed tomography arthrography with delayed acquisitions in the work-up of ganglion cysts of the tarsal tunnel

Revision of Total Ankle Replacements

Le pied diabétique : place de la chirurgie orthopédique

Posterior arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis : ten cases at one-year follow-up

Diabetic foot: The orthopedic surgery angle.

Scarf osteotomy without internal fixation to correct hallux valgus

Arthrodèse sous-astragalienne par arthroscopie postérieure

L’ostéotomie SCARF sans ostéosynthèse dans le traitement de l’hallux valgus

Tendinoscopy in Foot & Ankle Surgery

FDAL : anatomical characteristics and their relevance to the tarsal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review

Comparison of foot segmental mobility and coupling during gait between patients with DM and adults without DM

Pattern description and reliability parameters of six force–time related indices measured with plantar pressure measurements

Arthrodesis after failed total ankle replacement

Posterior arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis

Intermediate-term results of mobile-bearing total ankle replacement

Tarsal tunnel syndrome caused by the flexor digitorum accessories longus: a systematic review of the literature

Arthroscopic debridement after total ankle arthroplasty











  • Le pied diabétique : place de la chirurgie orthopédique
    Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 2011; 97(3): 302-319.

    Besse JL, Leemrijse ThDeleu P-A

  • Posterior arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis : ten cases at one-year follow-up
    Orthopaedics & Traumatology : Surgery & Research, 2011; 7(4):401-405

    Albert A, Deleu P-ALeemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B

  • Revision of Total Ankle Replacements
    Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, 2011; 10(4):176-188

    Besse JL, Devos Bevernage BLeemrijse Th





  • Chirurgie conventionnelle versus chirurgie percutanée
    Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2007;93(6 Suppl):181-2

    Leemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B


  • Chirurgie du pied : innovations et banque de tissu
    Maîtrise Orthopédique 2006;154:1-16

    Leemrijse ThMaldague PDevos Bevernage B


  • The Dorsal Bunion: an overview
    Foot and Ankle Surgery 2005 ;11;65-68

    Albert A, Leemrijse Th


  • Chirurgie de l’avant pied. Indications et considérations actuelles.
    Louvain médical 2003;122(9):346-51

    Leemrijse Th

  • Proposition d’une nouvelle ostéotomie métatarsienne médiane : l’ostéotomie cervicale de raccourcissement axial (OCRA)
    Med chir pied, Juin 2003;19(2):52-58.

    Benichou M, Augoyard M, Leemrijse Th, Maestro M, Peyrot J, Ragusa M, Valtin B.


  • Douleur talo-crurale et fracture de contrainte du tibia. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature.
    Med Chir Pied 2002; 2:78-82

    Lequeux C, Leemrijse Th, Reiter A, Long Pretz P

  • Unusual haemorrhage complication after carotid endarterectomy
    Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 ; 10 (6) : 538-9

    Scavee V, Dutranoy JC, Devos Bevernage B, Schoevaerdts JC.


  • Quand faire appel à un chirurgien devant un pied rhumatoïde?
    Synoviale, journal de rhumatologie 2001;102:7-18

    Valtin B, Leemrijse Th


  • Les raideurs du pied et de la cheville : physiopathologie et prise en charge chirurgicale
    Kinésithérapie scientifique 2000;405:9-11

    Leemrijse Th


  • Cal vicieux rotatoire du tibia et trouble statique du pied. A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature
    Med Chir Pied 1998 ; 3:138-141

    Lequeux C, Leemrijse Th


  • De la tumeur à cellules géantes à la synovite villonodulaire : à propos de quatre cas au niveau du pied
    Med Chir Pied 1996;2:72-80.

    Leemrijse Th, Valtin B, Grossin M

  • Traitement chirurgical du pied plat essentiel de l’enfant par implant sous-astragalien
    Med Chir Pied 1996 ; 3 : 147-151

    Leemrijse Th, Detournay M, Long Pretz P, Van Innis F


  • Alterations in endocardial vascular resistance after reperfusion in low-flow, high-demand model of ischemia : effects of Dipyrid
    J Am Coll Cardiol 1990 ;16:1750-9.

    Schroeder E, Pouleur H, Maldague P, Vuylsteke A, Van Mechelen H, Keyeux A, Raigoso J, Charlier A.



  • Foot and Ankle Arthritis case based series: Ankle, subtalar, TTC arthritis, TN, CC
    10th Parekh Indo US foot and ankle course, Pune, India

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Live surgery: osteochondral lesion, treated arthroscopically
    10th Parekh Indo US foot and ankle course, Pune, India

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Live surgery: triple arthrodesis with in addition the innominate line for complete navicular bone destruction
    10th Parekh Indo US foot and ankle course, Pune, India

    Devos Bevernage B

  • My worst case presentation
    10th Parekh Indo US foot and ankle course, Pune, India

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Video technique: hallux varus reconstruction with reverse transfer of the abductor hallucis tendon
    10th Parekh Indo US foot and ankle course, Pune, India

    Devos Bevernage B


  • Ankle fusion, who I fuse by arthroscopy or by open surgery ?
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Arthrose de cheville : Possibilités thérapeutiques
    AMISEK, Bruxelles, 20 Octobre 2016

    Leemrijse ThDeleu P-A

  • Final arthritis solutions : analysis and comparison
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Deleu P-A

  • First ray pathology : Lateral release
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot, Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Gombault V

  • Freiberg
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot, Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hallux rigidus
    18th EFAS Instructional Course, Malmö, Sweden, 13th October 2016

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Hallux rigidus : prosthesis
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot, Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hallux valgus : arthrodesis
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot; Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Maldague P

  • Lesser ray : Algorithm of Metatarsalgiae
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot, Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Lesser ray : Instability, subluxation, luxation MTP
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot; Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Lesser Ray Pathology : Conservative Treatment
    Orthopaedica Belgica Course : The Forefoot, Brussels, 26 November 2016

    Deleu P-A

  • My experience with the Cadence prosthesis, critical analysis
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ostéotomie Scarf
    SOFCOT 2016, Paris, 8th November 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Results of 50 Total Ankle Replacement, our experience in Brussels
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Deleu P-A

  • Total ankle replacement : technical tips
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total Ankle Replacement from 1973 to 2016
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Leemrijse Th

  • Triple arthrodesis : Hindfoot deformity, Principles of triple arthrodesis
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Two versus three components, evolution or regression ?
    Ankle Days, Luxembourg (Lux.), 15th-16th December 2016

    Devos Bevernage B


  • Ankle arthrodesis, my best surgical approach
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle fusion: results and complications
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Gombault V

  • Ankle osteoarthritis & its treatments: Impact on foot & ankle biomechanics
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Deleu P-A

  • Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments: impact on foot and ankle biomechanics
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Deleu P-A

  • Ball and socket ankle: types and management
    British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Conference, 11th November 2015

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Failure of ankle arthrodesis : causes of revision, failure analysis
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Deleu P-A

  • Failure of ankle arthrodesis : Malunion
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hindfoot deformity, clinic and radiology
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Maldague P, Devos Bevernage B, Deleu P-A, Gombault V, Leemrijse Th

  • Indication and evaluation before total ankle replacement
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Infected calcanea tendon surgery
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Intermediate-term results of the ankle prosthesis Hintegra
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Deleu P-A

  • Principles of triple arthrodesis
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Results of 50 Hintegra prosthesis, our experience in Brussels
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Deleu P-A

  • Revision of osteochondral lesions
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Scarf evolution: one screw, no screws … plate
    British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Conference, 11th November 2015

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Subtalar arthrodesis: causes of revision, failure analysis
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Tibio-talo-calcaneal arthrodesis for ankle and handoff revision
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th

  • Total ankle replacement : causes of revision, failure analysis
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Deleu P-A

  • Total ankle replacement : revision by arthroscopy, indications & results
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total ankle replacement revised by total ankle replacement
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th

  • Total ankle replacement revision by arthrodesis
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th

  • Total ankle replacement: Concept, Indications and contra-indications
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total ankle replacement: Desaxation after total ankle replacement
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th

  • Triple arthrodesis: Results and complications
    Ankle Days, 22nd & 23rd May 2015, Brussels, Belgium

    Gombault V

  • Use of auto- or allograft in revision surgeries
    Integra 2nd International Orthopedics & Tissue Technologies Symposium, Mid & Hindfoot Days > Ankle revision surgeries, 7th-8th May 2015, Barcelona, Spain

    Leemrijse Th


  • Ankle arthritis : treatments : TAR and fusion
    Foot & Ankle Academy by Tornier : Ankle Arthritis Workshop, Paris, France 12th September 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle arthrodesis : My best surgical approach and my best fixation
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle arthrodesis : results and complications, our experience in Brussels
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Gombault V

  • Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments : impact on foot & ankle biomechanics
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Deleu P-A

  • Causes of failure of osteotomies around the ankle
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Failure of ankle arthrodesis : causes of revision / failure analysis
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Failure of ankle arthrodesis: Malunion
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Failure of ankle arthrodesis: Non-union
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Function of the foot and ankle
    16th European Foot & Ankle Surgery (EFAS) Instructional Course, Poznan, Poland, 10th - 11th April 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Hindfoot : Double arthrodesis
    European Foot & Ankle Surgery Cadaver Course, Barcelona, Spain, 6th & 7th February 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hindfoot deformity
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Maldague P

  • Infected calcaneal tendon surgery
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Malalignment in Total Ankle Replacement / TAR Revisions
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • MTP 1 protheses 3 components: results – revisions
    Prothèses et implants de la main et du pied : Résultats, reprises et cas cliniques, Monte-Carlo, Monaco 3rd October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Results of Hintegra prosthesis, our experience in Brussels
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Deleu P-A

  • Revision of osteochondral lesions : assessment & procedures
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis : Causes of revision / failure analysis
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total Ankle Replacement : Concept, Indications and contra-indications
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total Ankle Replacement : Discussion, Technical Tips, your problems
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total Ankle Replacement : Revision by arthrodesis: indications and results
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Total Ankle Replacement : Revision by arthroscopy: indications and results
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Triple Arthrodesis : Causes of revision / failure analysis
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th

  • Triple arthrodesis : results and complications, technical tips
    Ankle Days, Ankle & Hindfoot Training, Brussels, Belgium, 9th & 10th May 2014

    Gombault V

  • Use of auto-or allograft in revision surgeries
    Integra Foot & Ankle Revision Surgeries, London, United Kingdom 10th October 2014

    Leemrijse Th


  • Algorithme : traitement de l’hallux rigides
    2th International Pan Arab Trauma Course Foot & Ankle, Rabat, Marocco, 13th-14th December 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle arthrodesis : my best surgical approach
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle arthrodesis: results and complications, our experience in Brussels
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Gombault V

  • Ankle osteoarthritis and its treatments from a biomechanical perspective
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Deleu P-A

  • Anterior surgical approaches of the talocrural and talonavicular joint
    BFAS-IORT Surgical Course, Leuven, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Arthrose de la cheville : arthrodése ou quelle prothèse?
    31ième Cours International : Pathologie, Techniques Chirurgicales, Technologie de Rééducation, Montpellier, France

    Leemrijse Th

  • Correction of lesser toe deformities
    15th EFAS Instructional Course

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Difference between simple and complex prosthesis?
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Entorse de l’articulation talo-crurale : choix technique
    31ième Cours International : Pathologie, Techniques Chirurgicales, Technologie de Rééducation, Montpellier, France

    Leemrijse Th

  • Forefoot surgery : What would you advice ?
    15th EFAS Instructional Course, Porto, Portugal

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Function of the foot and ankle
    15th EFAS Instructional Course, Porto, Portugal

    Devos Bevernage BDeleu P-A

  • Hallux rigidus : failures
    AO Trauma Course - Basic Foot & Ankle Course, 20-21 September 2013, Spa, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Hallux valgus : failures
    AO Trauma Course - Basic Foot & Ankle Course, 20-21 September 2013, Spa, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hallux valgus technique: Scarf Osteotomy
    15th EFAS Instructional Course, Porto, Portugal

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Hindfoot deformity
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Maldague P

  • La chirurgie percutanée certitudes et doutes
    31ième Cours International : Pathologie, Techniques Chirurgicales, Technologie de Rééducation, Montpellier, France

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ostéotomie calcanéenne
    2th International Pan Arab Trauma Course Foot & Ankle, Rabat, Marocco, 13th-14th December 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Prothèse de cheville
    2th International Pan Arab Trauma Course Foot & Ankle, Rabat, Marocco, 13th-14th December 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Total ankle replacement : concept, indications and contra-indications
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Total ankle replacement : technical tips
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Triple arthrodèse
    2th International Pan Arab Trauma Course Foot & Ankle, Rabat, Marocco, 13th-14th December 2013

    Leemrijse Th

  • Triple arthrodesis: Results and complications, technical tips
    Ankle Days - Ankle & Hindfoot training - Brussels, Belgium - 24th May 2013

    Gombault V


  • ‘MEET THE MIS BURRS’ : Sawbones & Instruments
    Percutane Voetchirurgie - BFAS Surgical Course, Kortrijk, 13/1/2012

    Maldague P

  • Ankle arthrodesis : my best surgical approach
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Ankle arthrodesis : results & complications
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Gombault V

  • Ankle arthrodesis : technical tips
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Ankle osteoarthritis & its treatments : Impact on foot and ankle biomechanics
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Deleu P-A

  • Ankle osteotomy : Results, complications, technical tips
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Basic principles and indications of hallux valgus surgery
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Behandeling van degeneratieve enkelpathologie
    De huisarts en de specialist: een Nederlandstalig ontmoeting in Brussel, 04/02/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Clinical examination
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Gombault V

  • Distal soft tissue release
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Maldague P

  • Modified Scarf Osteotomy
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Natural history of ankle osteoarthritis.
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th - 5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Madague P

  • Take home messages
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Gombault V

  • Total Ankle Replacement : Results, complications, our experience in Brussels
    Integra Ankle Days, 4th-5th May, Brussels, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Utilisation de la DBM dans la chirurgie du pied
    Ingénierie tissulaire, Samedi 13 octobre 2012, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage BLeemrijse Th

  • Why does hallux valgus surgery fail ?
    Belgian Foot & Ankle Society Basic course : hallux valgus surgery, Clinique du Parc Léopold, 19/10/2012, Brussels, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th


  • Ethiopathogénie des géodes
    Fait d'actualité. GRECMIP Congress : 3rd International Congress of Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery, 26-28 mai 2011, Brugge, Belgium

    Leemrijse Th

  • Notre expérience des DBM
    Mini Symposium : De la cellule au substitut osseux. GRECMIP Congress : 3rd International Congress of Minimally Invasive Foot & Ankle Surgery, 26-28 mai 2011, Brugge, Belgium

    Devos Bevernage BMaldague PGombault V, Leemrijse Th Cornu O



  • Anatomy of first MTP joint
    FBP-BFAS Conference : Orthopaedic Surgeon and Podiatrist : an evidence-based collaboration ? Brussels, 25/09/2009

    Leemrijse Th

  • Hallux Valgus : Clinical and radiological evaluation
    AO Basic Course Foot and Ankle, Spa, Belgium, 12-14/03/2009

    Gombault V

  • Hallux valgus deformity : radiological examination
    FBP-BFAS Conference : Orthopaedic Surgeon and Podiatrist : an evidence-based collaboration ? Brussels, 25/09/2009

    Devos Bevernage B

  • Lesser toe deformities : Arthrodesis/arthroplasty
    AO Basic Course Foot and Ankle, Spa, Belgium, 12-14/03/2009

    Gombault V

  • Séance de dossiers : avant-pied
    Journée de printemps de l'AFCP, Brest, France, 24/04/2009

    P. Maldague, B. Bombaerts, Th. Leemrijse

  • Syndrome d’attelage ; nouvelle cause d’orteil en griffe : étude cadavérique et relevance clinique
    3rd Practical Course in Foot & Ankle Surgery : Tendon Pathology and its Surgical Treatment, BFAS, UCL St-Luc, 16/01/2009

    Acquaviva R, Devos Bevernage B., Deleu P-AMaldague PLeemrijse Th

  • Technique and early experience with posterior arthroscopic tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis
    2nd International congress of mini-invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery, MISFA 2009, Murcia, Spain, 23-25/04/2009

    Devos Bevernage BLeemrijse Th

  • Tibialis anterior tendon disorders
    3rd Practical Course in Foot and Ankle Surgery : Tendon pathology and its Surgical Treatment, 16/01/2009

    Gombault V

  • Use of massive allografts in osteomyelitis in the distal part of the leg
    Baltimore Fellows Foot and Ankle Meeting, Steamboat Springs, CO, USA, 11-15/03/2009

    Devos Bevernage B


  • How to treat an Achilles tendon rupture in a 75 +- year old active patient?
    Journée du BFAS, Congrès national BVOT/ SORBCOT, Flanders Congress and Concert Centre, Antwerpen, 16-18/04/2008

    Devos Bevernage BMaldague PDeleu P-ALeemrijse Th


  • Le Pied
    430 pages, Textbook on The Foot, Juin 2011, édition Sauramps Médical, ISBN 978-2-840-23734-1

    Morvan G, Bianchi S, Bouysset M, Demondion X, Fantino O, Leemrijse Th, Rougereau G

  • La chirurgie de l’avant-pied
    Cahier d’enseignement de la SoFCOT, Expansion Scientifique Française. Nouvelle édition, Tome 89. Elsevier, Paris,2005. ISBN: 2-84299-717-4, ISSN : 0338-3849

    Valtin B, Leemrijse Th

  • La prise en charge du pied diabétique dans les centres spécialisés
    125 Pages

    Leemrijse Th, Van Acker K, Vermassen F, Vandeleene B

Hoofdstukken in boeken

  • Le pied et la cheville rhumatoïde.
    Traitement chirurgical de l’arrière pied rhumatoïde Edition Springer 2006

    Leemrijse Th

  • Orthopédie Traumatologie, Le concours médical. Institut la conférence Hippocrate.
    Les fractures du calcaneus. Lésion traumatique du tibial antérieur. Les lésions traumatiques du Lisfranc. Lésions traumatiques du tendon d’Achille. Les lésions traumatiques du talus. Pathologies traumatiques de l’os naviculaire. Edition Doin 2004

    Leemrijse Th

  • Forefoot Reconstruction
    Vascularization of the heads of the three central metatarsals. Springer Verlag Edition 2002

    Leemrijse Th, Valtin B, Oberlin C.

  • Forefoot reconstruction
    Shortening cervico-capital osteotomies of the lesser metatarsals : 3 D scan analysis. Springer Verlag Edition 2002

    Leemrijse Th, Moysan P

  • Recent advances in upper extremity arthroplasty
    Interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joint reconstruction using vascularized joint transfer 1995 World scientific Ed., pp 147-55

    Hoang Ph, Maldague P, Isserentant O.